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A Google a Day - Hack

Google launched a site that shows a puzzle which can be solved using Google Search. “A Google a Day is a new daily puzzle that can be solved using your creativity and clever search skills on Google. Questions will be posted every day on agoogleaday.com and printed on weekdays above the New York Times crossword puzzle,” informs Google’s blog.
Google a Day, an upside-down quiz game. Every weekday, Google will post a trivia clue.To answer the question, though, Google wants you to…Google it. According to Google  user experience researcher – Russell  says“With A Google a Day, we hope to educate people about all the ways you can search and all the things you can do with Google. The game is designed to help you get the most out of Google, triggering your imagination for the complex questions you can answer today, with a little help from the web.”
The most interesting thing about Google’s new site is that it uses an index called Deja Google which leaves out recent web pages. Russel says “To keep the game interesting for everyone, we created Deja Google – described as like  a wormhole inspired time machine that searches the Internet as it existed before the game began. Because nobody wants someone’s recent blog post about finding an answer spoiling their fun.”visit agoogleaday.com
And The HAck

1. View the source of the Page
3. Go to this link and search the question you got on the A Google a Day’s page and keep goin further you will find the answer just next to it  eg.
{"dayofweek": "THURSDAY", "rundate": "2011-07-14", "answerasseturl": "http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hPPw0rAcSd8/Tgofa8vd5JI/AAAAAAAAARo/aQaWmp92Gpk/s128/image_answer_130x130_commonwealth.jpg", "question": "Four states call themselves \"commonwealths.\" What are the only two that share a border?", "answers": "Virginia and kentucky|Kentucky and Virginia|Virginia & kentucky|Kentucky & Virginia|kentucky AND virginia|Virginia/kentucky|Kentucky/Virginia|KY and VA|VA and KY|KY AND VA|KY & VA|VA & KY|KY/VA|VA/KY", "coloroverride": "NONE", "authorname": "Gwen Ifill, moderator and managing editor of Washington Week and senior correspondent for the PBS NewsHour", "howtoanswer": "Search [commonwealths] to find that Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia are all commonwealths. Use Google Maps to determine Kentucky and Virginia share a border.", "authorurl": "http://www.pbs.org/weta/washingtonweek/", "type": "TEXT"}

Thats it

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